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Happy Thanksgiving Day ’23

Happy Thanksgiving Day! While not traditionally Filipino, this occasion holds a special place in my heart due to the celebrations of many friends and family, and my significant other who embraces this cultural tradition from the States.

We don’t typically celebrate Thanksgiving, but I remember a moment in Singapore back in 2020 with friends. We prepared a nice dinner, chatted, and before we started eating, Alan asked what we were thankful for in the past year. It was a challenging time, with COVID taking a toll, and there was still no vaccine.

During those tough times, we expressed gratitude for our secure jobs, the well-being of friends and family, and simply for being alive. I was especially thankful for Alan’s presence during the lockdowns, getting through those days wouldn’t have been easy without him around. Even now, that sentiment hasn’t changed I remain profoundly grateful for having him by my side as we’ve shared many wonderful moments over the past years.

What Juan is thankful for in the past year?

A holiday back home. It might sound cliché, but truly, there’s no place like home. I visited the Philippines last Christmas and enjoyed a six-day holiday with family and friends. The last time I spent Christmas there was in 2017, and it was an absolute blast! I enjoyed the traditional “Simbang Gabi,” indulging in Christmas food before the first light of dawn. Spent wonderful evenings with my smart cousins and other family members, nights out with some of my dearest friends, and, of course, cherished alone time with my lovely family.

Got married. 

Left Singapore. 

Moved to Portugal. 

This will be updated soon.

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