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Roller coaster month in Porto -Juan in the city.

It has been a really crazy month for Juan—the busiest, most challenging, and a roller coaster of emotions during my tenth month living in Porto, Portugal. It was the busiest because everything seemed to pile up at once, challenging due to the uncertainties we faced, filled with a mix of emotions about what lies ahead and heartbreaks.

  1. Apartment hunting
  2. The move
  3. Shopping
  4. Portuguese class exam
  5. Challenging situation of a good friend
  6. A friend’s death
  7. Closest friends leaving and who left Porto to Algarve
  8. Becoming a teacher’s pet
  9. Celebrations with family and friends (Alan’s birthday, A1 certification, Singapore Day and Ronalds birthday)
  10. Olympics and politics
  11. New movie and meet-up group
  12. Home sweet home

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